
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Prometheus (I) (2012) Movie Full Download

Following clues to the origin of mankind a team journey across the universe and find a structure on a distant planet containing a monolithic statue of a humanoid head and stone cylinders of alien blood but they soon find they are not alone.




This film is set in 2093 and takes place in the same universe as the 'Alien' movies. A group of explorers, including some archaeologists, are on an "undisclosed" mission. They arrive at a planet millions of miles away from Earth. The team spot what they believe to be signs of civilization. They go to investigate and find more than just signs, they find conclusive evidence. But some of them have an ulterior motive for being there, including the Weyland Corporation. They believe that this is where the human race actually came from. Things soon turn from excitement to survival once inside their discovery.  

User Reviews

So I saw the long awaited "Prometheus" tonight. Overall, rather good, but the characters annoyingly and jarringly flaunted so many basic health and safety regulations regarding potential contamination, infection, quarantine and exposure to physical injury from not wearing adequate safety equipment in an unfamiliar extra-terrestrial environment etc. Maybe we're just supposed to be careless or stupid in about 80 years' time. Tsk! Also, while not being pro-god or creationist as such, it did kind of take a dump on Darwinism and the role of evolution in our existence.

Being in 3D was fairly pointless. I even had to check that it was by taking the glasses off. It was, but barely noticeable.

Gorgeous sets and imagery, but I wasn't too happy about what the Engineers or "Space Jockeys" look like under their bio-mechanical suits.

It was plagued by thoroughly unbelievable and rather unprofessional characters as well. Dumb scientists and ship crew lacking the professional integrity you'd expect from a trillion dollar mission. Oh, and the old Weyland guy was a bit rubbish. Just Guy Pearce with lame prosthetic wrinkles. How about using an actual old man actor with an actual old bone structure? He stuck out like a sore thumb. Anyway, I have to pick fault, but it's very much worth a watch and most people aren't as picky as me I guess.

I still wish they'd stop making films as if we're all dumb 15 yr old kids without any real intelligence though. And it should have been purposely made to be an 18 certificate (in the UK at least).


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